Neck Pain

Neck Pain Relief

Discover Neck Pain Relief with Physical Therapy

Have you ever found yourself struggling with stubborn neck pain you can’t seem to get rid of? Or maybe you’ve gotten out of bed with a stiff neck that turns into unrelenting pain by the end of the day. You are not alone. Regardless of age or what you juggle at work or with family, neck pain can strain your life.

MVPT is here for you! At MVPT Physical Therapy, it doesn’t matter what leads to your neck pain; we are here to help. We treat various neck-related issues and will help get to the root cause while preparing you for a future free of neck pain.

Don’t ignore neck pain! Physical therapy can help you find relief!

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What Causes Neck Pain?

Not all neck pain is the same. It could start as a mild stiffness that limits your movement or as a sharp, stabbing pain that makes your daily life and ability to sleep nearly impossible.

Neck pain can also become chronic, lasting for many months, or lead to tingling or radiating pain that travels down into your shoulders, arms, and hands. It can even increase the frequency and duration of headaches or migraines.

Several factors can contribute to your neck pain, such as:

  • Incorrect Posture: Leaning over a computer all day, or continually looking down at your gadgets, sometimes referred to as ‘tech neck.’
  • Overexertion: Activities like lifting heavy objects, seasonal yard clean-up, or intense recreation can lead to muscle pain or strain.
  • Aging: The natural degeneration or ‘wear and tear’ on our joints and spine as we age can be a factor.
  • Unexpected Events: Accidents such as fender benders or falls can jolt the neck area, leading to injury.
  • Fatigue and Stress: Many people suffer from tension-related strain and muscle stress in the upper shoulders and neck, which can lead to occasional neck pain.

Your neck pain and its causes are unique to you. Our team at MVPT will uncover the root cause of your pain and injury to help you return to optimal health and the activities you treasure the most.

Your Partner in Neck Pain Relief

After your thorough evaluation, including a medical history and physical exam, we create a unique plan for your specific needs. Our MVPT team will treat your immediate symptoms to deliver pain relief.

Our treatment methods are a blend of state-of-the-art approaches and established practices:

  • Hands-on Care: Manual therapy techniques focus on improving mobility in both joints and soft tissues. Other services your physical therapist may discuss as part of your treatment are dry needling, IASTM, or cupping.
  • Targeted Strengthening: We’ll use exercises that build your neck, upper back, and core muscles. Exercise will be a big part of your long-term neck pain relief plan!
  • Mobility Work: Joint mobility and muscle flexibility are crucial in restoring and maintaining your wellness. 
  • Ergonomic Guidance: Advice for fine-tuning your daily environments—at work, home, and even in your car—to better ensure your posture and workspace support your neck.

You and your physical therapist are a team, and your active participation is crucial to your success. We’ll provide you with the guidance you need to understand your condition and how to resolve it once and for all!

Your Wellness Journey Begins Now

Don’t let neck pain interfere with your ability to lead the active lifestyle you desire. Contact MVPT to schedule an evaluation today, setting you toward a healthier, more satisfying life. 

Don’t ignore your pain; find relief with MVPT Physical Therapy!

To schedule an evaluation, complete the form below or contact your nearest MVPT Physical Therapy location.
