Hip Replacement

Hip Replacement and Physical Therapy: A Partnership in Motion

Do you suffer from chronic hip pain? Does your pain impact nearly all aspects of your life? If you or someone close to you was told they need a hip replacement, our experienced team is here to help. Undergoing hip replacement is certainly a significant decision. Your path to a full recovery starts and ends with MVPT Physical Therapy.

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While hip replacement can redefine one’s life, it’s more than just “fixing” a joint. It’s about restoring your function so you can get back into the life you cherish most. Most individuals who choose a hip replacement have been dealing with persistent pain that restricts daily functions. Getting in the way of the things that matter most—like gardening, playing recreational sports, or enjoying a family vacation.

As your partner in health, MVPT is your go-to resource to prepare for and recover from invasive orthopedic surgeries such as hip replacements. We deliver personalized, patient-centered solutions focused on your health, function, and overall well-being.

Understanding Hip Replacements 

In medical terminology, “total hip arthroplasty” is an operation where the damaged or degenerated hip joint is replaced with an artificial component.

What are the most common signs and symptoms that indicate a joint replacement surgery may be needed? 

  • Constant hip pain, even when resting
  • Stiffness and limited motion in the hip, restricting your mobility and function
  • Chronic inflammation that remains despite trying medication and rest
  • Difficulty with tasks like putting socks and shoes on/off

Common conditions that lead to hip replacements include the following:

  • Osteoarthritis (a degenerative joint disease).
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (a joint inflammation condition).
  • Other disorders that cause unusual bone growth (bone dysplasia).
  • Injuries or hip fractures.

And certain factors, such as age, prior joint damage, excessive weight, or even hereditary factors, can elevate these risks. Your physical therapist understands what impacts your health and will tailor your care specifically to you.

Prehabilitation and Rehabilitation For Your Surgery

Before a hip replacement, called ‘prehabilitation’ or ‘prehab,’ physical therapy helps strengthen your body to withstand the physical demands of the surgery. In fact, studies have shown that beginning physical therapy a month or so before surgery can significantly speed up your recovery time. Prepping you to have the best possible outcomes- think of it as an investment in your body.

After a hip replacement, physical therapy ensures you regain strength, mobility, and confidence. Restoring your independence and confidence in daily activities and recreational is essential!

At MVPT, our mission is to address your unique challenges and work with you and your surgeon to return you to optimal function!

The Role of Physical Therapy When Considering Hip Replacement Surgery

Your journey with MVPT Physical Therapy will start with a comprehensive assessment, including a thorough medical history and physical examination. We’ll look at your motion, strength, and gait to see the entire picture beyond the surgical procedure. With this insight, we develop a personalized care plan. 

Here’s a snapshot of our approach and services you may receive:

  • Manual Therapy: A direct hands-on services to enhance joint and muscular functionality while reducing discomfort. Your physical therapist will discuss the options for services and provide guidance on what they are choosing and why. You’ll be fully involved in your care, understanding the purpose and impact.
  • Mobility and Stretching Exercises: This is about regaining your freedom – preserving and improving the movement of your hip and its supporting muscles.
  • Strength Conditioning: Targeted strengthening exercises to the muscles of the hip, pelvis, and lower extremities. 
  • Balance and Coordination: We’ll provide activities and challenges that ensure safe movement without the worry of stumbling or falling.
  • Gait Training: Facilitating a confident stride so you can walk safely around home and in the community.
  • Personalized Home Exercises: Providing you with the knowledge and tools to keep up your progress during and after care is completed.

At MVPT, our therapists are kind, compassionate, and fully engaged in your care. We aim to guide you toward holistic recovery, healing, eliminating future issues, and laying the foundation for long-term health.

Call Today to Request Your Physical Therapy Evaluation

Your ability to move at your best is essential to your health and enjoyment of life. Every stride on your wellness journey matters, especially following a hip replacement. Armed with expertise, guidance, and genuine care, your preparation and recovery at MVPT can be transformational and uplifting.

Call us today or complete the form below to schedule your evaluation and be one step further along on your road to health and wellness.


